Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion

New Hottest Pepper on the PlanetThis undated image provided by New Mexico State University shows the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, the new hottest pepper on the planet, as identified by NMSU's Chile Pepper Institute. Researchers determined the golf ball-sized pepper has a mean Scoville Heat Unit value of 1.2 million. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Jim Duffy, New Mexico State University)

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion

Check it out, a new world record holder. I have tried the ghost chili ( bhut Jolokia ) and that is extremely blistering hot at just over 1,000,000 scoville units, and some of these pods came in at slightly over 2,000,000 with a mean heat of about 1.2 million. There is more and more people getting into growing and creating new strains of peppers, I don't doubt there will be a hotter pepper than this very soon. There are some tricks you can do to get your peppers hotter and more potent.

1. Exposing your plants to hotter temperatures
2. Regulating feed water to give them just enough during the fruiting period
3. Using worm castings and worm tea for fertilizer on a regular basis

For more information on this Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper click below.



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